
Sharing Awareness and Understanding to Make a World of Difference!

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Wondering If You Have Got the Right Support Sorted for Ourselves or Our Teams?

Take the Managers Business Health Check Scorecard now to see how your business is shaping up to support the wellbeing of your teams.

Can you afford not to act? Get your instant result here

Take the Personal Health Check Scorecard now to see how your health and wellbeing is shaping up if you or someone you know is experiencing harm.

Can you afford not to act? Get your instant result here.

Curious if My Personal Relationship is Healthy?

Regardless of what type of relationship you are in, everyone deserves to be treated well and with respect.

What is a healthy relationship? Take our healthy relationships quiz to test the health of your relationship.


Have We Got the Right Support Sorted for Our Teams?


Check Out Janine’s Discussions with Natasha Hawker, Director, Employees Matter

Interview with Janine Lee from Domestic Violence Business Solutions - D&FV Expert -Episode 1/2

by Employees Matter

Interview with Janine Lee from Domestic Violence Business Solutions - D&FV Expert -Episode 2/2

by Employees Matter


What is Power and Control in Relationships?

Watch the series of relationship videos explaining Power and Control

Understanding the Power and Control Wheel (2.19 minutes)

Understanding the use of physical and sexual abuse to gain power and control (2.53 minutes)

Understanding the use of intimidation to gain power and control (3.46 minutes)

Understanding how emotional abuse is used to gain power and control (4.47 minutes)

Understanding how isolation is used to gain power and control (3.07 minutes)

Understanding how minimising, denying and blaming are used to gain power and control (4.25 minutes)

Understanding how children are used to gain power and control (3.31 minutes)

Understanding the use of male privilege to gain power and control (3.14 minutes)

Understanding coercion and threats to gain power and control (1.40 minutes)

Understanding the power and control wheel

This video explains the domestic violence tactics used to gain power and control
There are 8 different tactics often used when a person chooses to use violence and/or abuse.

These are using Intimidation, Emotional Abuse, Isolation, Minimising, Denying, Blaming, Using Children, Male Privilege, Economic Abuse, and Coercion and Threats.

Understanding the use of physical & sexual abuse to gain power & control

This video explains how physical and sexual abuse is used to gain power and control within domestic violence.

Understanding the use of intimidation to gain power & control

This video explains the domestic violence power tactic of intimidation.

Understanding the use of emotional abuse to gain power & control

This video explains how emotional abuse is used to slowly gain power and control.

Understanding the use of isolation to gain power & control

This video explains how men use male privilege to gain power and control in a relationship where the male chooses to use violence within the relationship.

Understanding how minimising, denying & blaming are used to gain power & control

This video explains the domestic violence tactics of minimising, denying and blaming to gain power and control.

Understanding how children are used to gain power & control

This video explains how someone choosing to use domestic and family violence use children to gain power and control.

Understanding the use of male privilege to gain power & control

This video explains how men use male privilege to gain power and control in a relationship where the male chooses to use violence within the relationship.

Understanding coercion & threats to gain power & control

This video explains the domestic violence power tactic of coercion and threats.

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