Healthy Relationship Quiz

Welcome to your Healthy Relationship Quiz

In a Relationship Does My Partner Back my Decisions

In a Relationship Does My Partner Listen to my point of view

In a Relationship Does My Partner Support Me

In a Relationship Does My Partner Understands if I don't want to have sex and makes me feel OK about it

In a Relationship Does My Partner Let's me choose how to dress and welcomes my appearance

In a Relationship Does My Partner Have good relationships with my family and friends (Gets on well with them)

In a Relationship Does My Partner Make me feel like I get things right

In a Relationship Does My Partner Put me down (ridicules, mocks or insults me)

In a Relationship Does My Partner Get moody or displays anger when things don't go their way

In a Relationship Does My Partner Play the 'blame game' whenever they have issues (blames me)

In a Relationship Does My Partner Call or messages to keep track of me

In a Relationship Does My Partner Get jealous and makes it difficult when I want to see my family or friends

In a Relationship Does My Partner Bully me to have sex or insists I do things I actually don't want to do

In a Relationship Does My Partner Threatens to hurt me, themselves or others

In a Relationship Does My Partner Terrorize or frighten me, e.g. damaging property, crazy driving, yelling or screaming etc.

In a Relationship Does My Partner Regularly accuse or question me about cheating on them